A great time was had by all at the October Wine Dinner! We had a great crowd of about 40 people. If you have not been to a Wine Dinner, get your group together and join us soon!

Palo Alto Sauvignon Blanc
Boston Lettuce Wedge topped with grilled Peaches, Goat Cheese, Toasted Almonds and a Citrus Vinaigrette

Palo Alto Red Reserva,
Creamy Sweet Pea and Corn Risotto topped with a Blackened Salmon Fillet

Marques de Casa Concha Cabernet Sauvignon
Medallions of Beef Tenderloin served with a Black Cherry-Plum Compote and Fettucine with a Gruyere Alfredo

Pacific Rim Vin De Glacee
Sweet Tempura battered Pineapple with a
Coconut Crème Anglaise